The " Clean Maxx mites vacuum cleaner "is not only suitable for beds, but also ideal for
cleaning sofa bed, sofa cushions and upholstery. Look forward to a hygienic environment. Who really likes to share his bed with mites and Co.? Against harmful microorganisms in your household there are now a powerful weapon: the "Clean Maxx mites sucker!"
It can be as simple as an ordinary vacuum cleaner and apply all without chemicals. Impurities to be shaken, vacuumed and cleaned the surface sterilized with UV light. With about 3000 vibrations / minute of the mites vacuum cleaner dust mites, bacteria, fungal spores, dust, dander and much more triggers your mattress, blankets and pillows.
Larger dirt particles collect in the washable easy to clean dust cartridge with dust filter. The additional micro-allergy filter retains even the tiny particles.
